Saturday 25 February 2017

Donald Trump on UFC

As everyone knows already, Donald Trump has been elected as the 45th president of United States of America, which is arguably the most powerful position on this planet. Trump has already had massive impact and revolutionized many different things. Most recent impact was the immigration ban (federal travel ban) which left many people's arguments and agreements in some places. As he had impacted so many things already, he also had an impact on UFC which I'm going to write about.

Trump - Federal Travel Ban
Trump has signed immigration ban on Muslim-dominated countries such as Syria, Iran, Iraq and etc. This federal travel ban will have a direct impact on UFC fighters and employees from those countries, but fortunately UFC announced to "do their best to ensure our fighters and employees are able to compete and do their jobs."
Trump - UFC 205
UFC 205 was a very big event where its main event was title match with Alvarez vs McGregor. Trump also had an impact on UFC 205 when Dana White announced that Trump will not attend UFC 205 despite the fact that he was going to attend. Some supporters bought and planned to attend UFC 205 because of Donald Trump but it had and impact as he announced not to attend.